7 Cashflow strategies
most dentists are NOT paying attention to
Speaker: Ali Raza Jaffer of ARJ CPA
Mr. Ali Raza Jaffer - CPA - goes through 7 rapid fire ideas that can help any dentist boost their cashflows and optimize their current tax strategies. Presented on May 16, 2021 to an audience of Ontarian dentists.
Mr. Ali Raza Jaffer - CPA, CGA, MBA, BComm
With 25 years of experience, Mr. Jaffer’s focus is on allowing professionals to gain better control of their financial future, efficient short and long term strategies, compliance with Revenue Canada, effective tax planning strategies, and much more.
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Get a second opinion on the state of your practice books and finances to see if you are getting the most out of your current service provider. Contact Mr. Jaffer for a complimentary conversation and decide for yourself.